Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of General Assembly held on 6th August 2022 at 11.AM in the conference hall of IJTR, Lucknow

The President Justice K.L. Sharma presided over the meeting.
The following members attended the meeting in person;
Justice K.L. Sharma
Justice Mahendra Dayal
Justice A.N. Verma
Justice Alok Kumar Singh
Justice S.C Chourasia
Justice Raj Mani Chauhan
Justice Harsh Kumar
Justice Raghavendra Kumar
Justice Anil Kumar Ojha
Justice Ghanshyam Das
Justice Rakesh Sharma
Justice O.N. Khandelwal
Justice Shailendra Saxena
Justice Anurag Kumar
Justice Dinesh K. Trivedi
The following members joined the meeting virtually;
Justice D.K. Trivedi
Justice J.K. Ranka
Justice P.S. Gopinath
Justice V.S. Dave
Justice V.D. Gyani
Justice I.S. Srivastava
Justice Chandresh Gupta
Justice S.K. Saxena
Justice A.K. Srivastava
Justice M.N Gilani
The meeting started at the scheduled time 11 AM. Since the quorum was not complete, the meeting was adjourned for an hour.
The meeting again resumed at 12.15 PM and by this time the following members also joined the meeting in person:-
16. Justice Arvind Kumar Tripathi
17. Justice R.K. Rastogi
18. Justice V.C. Gupta
19. Justice Y.C. Gupta
20. Justice Vikas Kunwar Srivastava
21. Justice Shashikant
22. Justice O.P. Srivastava
23. Justice S.N. Agnihotri
24. Justice Anil Kumar
As per rule 13, the quorum for the meeting is one third of the total membership but it is provided that if the quorum is not complete in the first meeting, the meeting should be adjourned for one hour and thereafter no quorum is required for the adjourned meeting. The President therefore proceeded with the agenda in the adjourned meeting.
Although, arrangements were made for virtual meeting through zoom app but some of the members namely Justice D.K. Trivedi, Justice M.N. Gilani, Justice J.K. Ranka, Justice V.D. Gyani made complaint that there was poor quality of voice and therefore, the meeting be deferred. But, the 24 members who joined the meeting in person did not agree for deferment of the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly convened for the two urgent specific agenda items only. Therefore, the President proceeded to consider the agenda items.
Agenda No.1:-
Consideration of proposals for the budges for financial year 2022-23
The Secretary General Justice Mahendra Dayal proposed and explained the estimated budget item wise, for the FY 2022-23. The estimated expenditure as proposed is Rs.3,62000/- while the expected income in the current financial year is only Rs.2,77000/-. Justice Dinesh Kumar Trivedi suggested that at present only a fixed amount of Rs. 10000/- is charged from the new members towards life membership and in order to increase the income of the Association, certain amount be charged from the members annually as was done in the initial years of the formation of the Association. The President explained to the house that previously there was provision of ordinary membership and the ordinary members were required to pay certain amount annually but they failed to pay annual fee. Then the general assembly resolved to give only life membership on payment of fixed fee of ten thousand only. Still many retired judges are unwilling to become life members and as such no extra amount could be charged from the existing life members.
The members present in the house also suggested that the expenses towards stationary, postage and courier, meetings of the executive committee, may be curtailed if we have our own website and all the proceedings of every meeting are uploaded in the website. The President explained that every effort would be made to curtail the expenses on every count but purchase of laptop and printer would be necessary for day-to-day business of the Association. The house unanimously agreed to it and resolved that the budget estimates recommended by the executive committee be approved.
Agenda No. 2:-
Consideration of the Amendments in the Rules of the Associating framed in 2001 recommended by the executive committee;
The President read over and explained the amendments one by one. Justice O.P. Srivastava raised objection to the proposed amendment of Rule 4(e) which provides that the office bearers of the executive committee would be elected by the general body in its annual general meeting except one Vice-President, one Secretary General, one Secretary and the Treasurer who shall be nominated by the President elect.
The President explained the reasons that for the better coordination of working at the camp office and operation of the bank account, it was necessary and expedient to have four office bearers together at the same place. The objection was put to vote and the majority of 19 members supported the amendment in Rule 4(e) and overruled the objection.
Hon’ble Justice J.K. Ranka, Justice I.S. Srivastava and Justice P.S. Gopinathan and others opposed the fixing of the minimum age for the offices of President and Vice-President as seventy two and seventy years respectively. Considering the objections raised by the house, the President proposed for the deletion of the age bar. Then, it was resolved that the amended rules recommended by the executive committee be approved subject to the deletion of age bar for election of the President and Vice-President of the Association.
The business of the extraordinary meeting of the General assembly fixed for the two items only finished at 1.30 PM which was followed by lunch.
The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.
Approved for circulation by email to the Office Bearers.
(Justice K.L. Sharma) (Justice Mahendra Dayal)
President Secretary General