The office bearers who were present in the meeting, appended their signatures on a separate sheet which forms part of the minutes.
Hon’ble Justice Ramesh Garg, Chairperson, Madhya Pradesh State Chapter, as an invitee and Hon’ble Justice Sudhir Kumar Saxena, Former Judge, Allahabad High Court as special invitee, graced the meeting.
The quorum of the meeting was complete.
The President Justice K. L. Sharma, presided over the meeting.
At the outset, the President welcomed all the Office Bearers, Special Invitee and the Invitee who attended the meeting.
The Secretary General, Justice Mahendra Dayal presented his notes on each item of the agenda.
Agenda No.1 Confirmation of the minutes of the Executive Committee held on 15th October, 2022 at Jaipur.
Resolved that the minutes of the meeting dated 15th October, 2022, be confirmed and the same are hereby confirmed.
Agenda No.2 Information about the new members.
The Secretary General informed that till today twenty-seven new members have joined the Association since the last meeting was held on 15th October, 2022 and all of them have become life members. Their names were also read out by the secretary general. The membership forms were distributed amongst the office bearers of different States with the request to kindly make more copies of the forms and distribute the same to the retired judges residing in their respective cities, who have still not joined the Association and persuade them to take membership by filling up the form, sending it to the Secretary General at the given address and remitting the membership fee by any of the modes provided in the form itself.
Agenda No.3 Consideration of the report of Justice S. N. Agnihotri, Secretary In charge, litigation.
The report prepared by Justice Agnihotri was read out by himself and it was informed that in view of the pending litigation before the Supreme Court, there is no need to file any new Writ Petition by the Association, and the decision of the Court be awaited. Resolved that no litigation be initiated by the association till the final judgement of the Supreme Court.
Agenda No.4 Filling of the vacancy of the executive memberfrom Karnataka.
In the last meeting of the executive committee held on 15th October, 2022 at Jaipur, it was resolved that the State of Karnataka was not represented in the executive and as such a former judge who retired from Karnataka, be nominated as executive member. The Secretary General informed that in pursuance of the resolution of the executive committee, he sought consent of the available members of Karnataka and in response thereof Justice N. K. Sudhindrarao only expressed his consent and willingness to become the executive member of the association. The executive committee unanimously resolved that Justice N. K. Sudhindrarao of Karnataka, be and hereby nominated as executive member in the vacant post of executive member for the remaining term of the executive committee.
Agenda No.5 Consideration of the report of Justice J. K. Ranka, secretary In charge of the State Chapters.
Justice Ranka himself presented his report and informed that he has already communicated in writing to the Chief Justices of all the High Courts through the Registrar Generals in this regard and has also talked to several retired judges who assured him to become members. He further informed that he received good response from several States and it was because of his persuasion that forty-six new former judges, including the judges retired from the Supreme Court, have sent forms for the membership of the association, since the new executive has taken over charge. He suggested that the strength of the executive members be increased so that each and every State is represented in the executive committee but for the time being the judges of those States be invited as special invitees, which are not represented in the executive committee. The President pointed out that under Rule 4(f) and Rule 22 of the Rules 2022, every chairperson or his nominee is a regular invitee to the meeting of the executive committee.
Agenda No.6 Consideration of the adoption of Logo of the Association.
The Secretary General Justice Mahendra Dayal displayed the proposed Logo amongst the office bearers present in the meeting but no other proposal was received from any other office bearer. After some objections to the proposed logo, it was resolved that this item be deferred to the next meeting.
Agenda No.7 Consideration of the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the executive committee, annual general meeting and the national conference.
Justice Ramesh Garg, Justice I. S. Srivastava and Justice Subhash Samvatsar, all from Madhya Pradesh, themselves offered to hold the next meetings of the Executive Committee, General Body and the Conference at Indore (MP) in the third week of April 2023. However they desired the President and the Secretary General to contact the Chief Justice of India and the Union Law Minister for the purpose of inviting as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively and then decide the date, time and venue as per their conveniences, in consultation with Madhya Pradesh State Chapter. Therefore, it was resolved to hold the next meetings of Executive Committee, General Body and the Conference if any at Indore (MP) in the third week of April 2023, subject to fixation of date, time and venue after due consultation with the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor and Madhya Pradesh State Chapter.
Agenda No.8 Any other matter with the permission of the President.
Justice Ramesh Garg, Chairperson, MP State Chapter, informed that he never gets any information about the meetings of the executive committee and the decisions taken therein and therefore the notices of meetings be also sent to all the Chapter Chairpersons so as to make them aware about the meetings. The President Justice K. L. Sharma, informed that under the new Rule 4(f) and 22 of Rules 2022, Chairpersons or their nominees, are always regular invitees but due to nonavailability of their details, the notices of meetings could not be sent to them. However, the Whatsapp notices will be sent to those Chairpersons whose details become available in the course of time.
Justice Ranka, raised an issue that he does not get information about the new members joining the group.The Secretary General assured him to send information about the new members as soon as they join the association. The President also desired Justice J.K. Ranka, to send information of the Chairpersons of the State Chapters to the Secretary General as soon as he gets it. Justice Ranka, should also send proposals to the President for forming new State Chapters where they do not exist and also for nomination of the Chairperson, Chapter Executive and Chapter Secretary of the New State Chapters or the existing State Chapters which do not have elected or nominated office bearers.
The Committee thanks Justice Ramesh Garg and Justice S. K. Saxena, who spared their precious time to attend the meeting and gave valuable suggestions.
The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.
The President thanks every office bearer, Special Invitee and the Invitee who attended the meeting and participated in the discussions.
For and on behalf of the executive committee, the President expresses gratefulness to the Gujarat State Chapter and its office bearers, the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court and the Director for hosting the meeting at Gujarat Judicial Academy, with all protocol facilities.
The minutes of the meeting be uploaded on the website of the association and be also shared on the WhatsApp group of the Association and be sent to all the office bearers and special invitee through email and WhatsApp.
(Justice K. L. Sharma)
Secretary General
(Justice Mahendra Dayal)