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Notice & Agenda

06 March 2024

Notice of election office bearers of the executive committee of the association

20 Jan 2024

Notice of the Meeting of The Executive Committee to be held on 20th January 2024, at Chandigarh

  1. Patrons:

Justice V. S. Dave and Justice A. K. Srivastava

  1. All the Office Bearers

  2. Regular Invitees: Chairpersons of the State Chapters

  3. Special Invitees:

  1. Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel

  2. Justice Shobha Dikshit

  3. Justice Sharda Agrawal

  4. Justice V. K. Shali

  5. Justice Raghvan Basant

  6. Justice S. K. Katriar

  7. Justice M.R. Hariharan Nair

  8. Justice Akhil Kumar Srivastava

  9. Justice Rajesh Tandon

  10. Justice Sudhir Kumar Saxena

  11. Justice S.S. Kulshreshtra

                 You are hereby informed that the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on 20.01.2024 at 11.00 AM at Chandigarh Judicial Academy, Sector 43-D, Chandigarh-160022, to consider the following items of agenda: -

  1. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting of the executive committee held on 07.10.2023 at Delhi.

  2. Information about the new members of the Association.

  3. Consideration of the report of Justice S. N. Agnihotri, Secretary In charge Litigation.

  4. Consideration of the report of Justice J. K. Ranka, Secretary In Charge State Chapters.

  5. Consideration of the steps for implementation of the decisions taken in the last meeting of the executive committee;

  6. Consideration of formalities and conditions of affiliation of local unregistered/registered Associations of former judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts;

  7. Consideration of the appointment of the election officer to conduct general elections of the office bearers of the Association as per bye-laws of 2022, in the General Body Meeting due to be held in the month of April, 2024.

  8. Consideration of the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the executive committee and of the annual general body.

  9. Any other matter of importance with the permission of the President.

All the dignitaries aforesaid intending to attend the meeting, must intimate their detailed program of visit much in advance latest by 7th January 2024, to the coordinator Justice Raj Rahul Garg, contact number 8558809937, Secretary General Justice Mahendra Dayal and the Registrar General, High Court of Punjab & Haryana through their respective High Courts for protocol facilities at the airport/railway station.

     It is also informed that it will not be possible to make arrangements of virtual meeting at Chandigarh.

            The Hon’ble Patrons and the Special Invitees are specially requested through this notice and agenda that they may kindly treat this as a letter of invitation, which is not being separately issued.

This Notice and Agenda are being issued with the prior approval of the President of the Association.


    25/12/2023                                                                       (Justice Mahendra Dayal)

                                                                                               Secretary General

This notice and agenda be uploaded on the website of the Association and be communicated to all the members of the Association by whatsapp number.

          25/12/2023                                                               (Justice Mahendra Dayal)
                                                                                               Secretary General

07 October 2023

Notice of the meeting of the executive committee to be held on 7th October 2023, at Delhi High Court, New Delhi


  1. Justice V.S.Dave                                      2. Justice A.K.Srivastava

 All the office bearers

Regular Invitees under Rule 4(f): Chairpersons or their nominees of All the State Chapters

Special Invitees under Rule 4(f), as per list separately attached and intimated

You are hereby informed that the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on 07thOctober, 2023, at 11.00 AM in the Conference Hall situated on 6th Floor of S-Block of the Delhi High Court Shershah Road, New Delhi, to consider the following items of


  1. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting dated 22nd July, 2023, of the Executive Committee held at Kochi (Kerala).

  2. Information about the new members of the Association;

  3. Consideration of the report of Justice S.N.Agnihotri, Secretary In charge litigation;

  4. Consideration of the additional estimated demand under the head ‘litigation’ in the approved budget for the financial year 2023-24, subject to the final approval of the general assembly in its next meeting.

  5. Consideration of the report of Justice J.K.Ranka, Secretary In Charge of the State Chapter;

  6. Consideration of the Audit report and the Balance Sheet prepared by the Chartered Accountant, for the financial year 2022-23.

  7. Consideration of the date and venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

  8. Any other matter of importance with the permission of the President.



It is requested that all the members attending the meeting of the Executive Committee, must intimate their detailed program of visit to Delhi, to Justice Mahendra Dayal, Secretary General on his email andWhatsApp latest by 28th September, 2023. It is further requested to send the program to The Registrar General of own High Court for assistance at the airport/railway station by the protocol and to the managers of the state guest houses at New Delhi of the respective State Governments for their stay at New Delhi.


It is also informed that it will not be possible to make arrangement for virtual hearing in the meeting of the Executive Committee. It will be in the interest of the Hon’ble members to attend the meeting physically. The meeting is likely to take about three hours and will be served with tea, snacks and lunch in the canteen of the High Court.


This notice and agenda is issued with the prior approval of the President of the Association.

             Venue of the meeting: -                                            (Justice Mahendra Dayal)

Mini Conference Hall,8004928571
6th Floor of Block-S, Delhi High Court,Email:

Shershah Road, New Delhi.



Email Copy for information to the Registrar General of the Delhi High Court, Shershah Road, New Delhi.

01 July 2023

Notice and Agenda of the meeting of the Executive Committee on 22nd July 2023 at Kochi (Kerala)


  1. Hon’ble Justice V.S. Dave

  2. Hon’ble Justice A.K. Srivastava

All the Office Bearers of the Executive Committee

Invitees: Chairpersons or their nominees of State Chapters

          You are hereby informed that the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on 22nd July, 2023, at 11.00 AM in Kochi (Kerala), to consider the following items of agenda:

  1. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting dated 29th April, 2023, of the Executive Committee held in Central Academy for Police Training, Bhopal.

  2. Information about the new members of the Association;

  3. Consideration of the Audit report for the Financial Year 2022-23;

  4. Consideration of the report of Justice S.N. Agnihotri, Secretary In Charge litigation;

  5. Consideration of the report of Justice J.K. Ranka, Secretary In Charge of the State Chapters;

  6. Consideration of the formalities, financial matter and other factors for holding meetings of the Executive Committee and Annual General Meeting at any place other than the registered office in Delhi High Court;

  7. Consideration of the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee;

  8. Any other matter of importance with the permission of the President.


It is requested that all the members attending the meeting of the Executive Committee must intimate their detailed program of visit to Justice P.S. Gopinathan on his email and whatsapp noted below latest by 7th July, 2023. It is further requested to send the detailed program to the Registrar General, Kerala High Court, through own High Court for protocol assistance at the airport/railway station at Kochi (Kerala).

If any member wishes to visit nearby places of Kochi, he may inform Justice Gopinathan well in advance.

It is also informed that it will not be possible to make arrangement for virtual hearing in the meeting of the Executive Committee. It will be in the interest of the Hon’ble members to attend the meeting physically at Kochi (Kerala).


Venue of the meeting:-

Bharath Tourist Home(Hotel), Darbar Hall Rd, near Ernakulathappan temple, Ernakulam (Kerala) 682016


Contact number of Justice Gopinathan
is :- 9446002097.



This notice and agenda be uploaded on the website of the Association and be communicated to all the members of the Association by Association whatsapp number.


[Justice Mahendra Dayal]
Secretary General

29 April 2023

Notice for the meeting of the Executive Committee to be held on 29th April 2023, at central academy of police training, unmed road, Bhopal.


  • Patrons: Justice V.S. Dave & Justice A.K. Srivastava

  • All the Office Bearers

  • Chairpersons or their nominees of all the State Chapters

  • Special invitee......

You are hereby given notice and invited to the fourth regular meeting of the Executive Committee to be held on 29.4.2023 at 11 am, in Central Academy of Police Training (CAPT), Unmed Road Bhopal, to consider the following items of Agenda.


Item No.1- Confirmation of the minutes of the Executive Committee held on 7thJanuary 2023, at Gujarat Judicial Academy, Ahemdabad.

Item No.2- Information about the new members of the Association.

Item No.3- Consideration of the report of Justice J.K. Ranka, Secretary In-charge of the State Chapters.

Item No.4- Consideration of the report of Justice S.N.Agnihotri, Secretary In-charge of Litigation.

Item No. 5- Consideration of the Audit Report for the year 2021-22.

Item No.6- Consideration of Financial Statement of the year 2022-23.

Item No.7- Consideration of the Annual Report about the activities of the Association during the Financial Year 2022-23.

Item No.8- Consideration of the proposal for the budget estimated proposals for the year 2023-24.

Item No.9-Consideration and approval of the logo of the Association.

Item No.10- Consideration about the disparities in the pensions payable to the retired Judges.

Item No. 11- Proposal for the appointment of the Auditor for the next Financial Year 2023-24.

Item No.12- Consideration of the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee to be held in the month of July 2023.

Item No.13- Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.


                                                                                               [Justice Mahendra Dayal]
                                                                                                     Secretary General   


Let this notice and agenda be uploaded on the website of the Association and be also sent to the patrons, invitees and all the office bearers through email and whatsapp.

                                                                                               [Justice Mahendra Dayal]
                                                                                                      Secretary General  




1. Hon’ble Patrons, Office Bearers, Regular Invitees and Special Invitees from outside Bhopal, are requested to send their detailed travel program to the following persons so that the host may make your stay convenient. You will be received at the Airport/Railway Station by the staff for hiring the cabs for being lodged and boarded in the rooms of the CAPT,  Unmed Road Bhopal:   

 Registrar General, High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur, Pincode-482001 (Contact No. 9425154355, Email ID-

2. In case any Hon’ble Member is interested in local sight seeing in Bhopal or going outside of Bhopal on 30th April 2023, he must indicate his intention in his detailed program so that the vehicle may be arranged at his cost. If any other information is needed, the Hon’ble Member may kindly contact either Justice Alok Verma or Justice I.S. Srivastava, on the above noted contact nos. or the email ID.

3. The honorable members are also requested to intimate in their travel program whether they are coming alone or with spouse and whether they are vegetarian or non vegetarian.


                                                                                                         [Justice Mahendra Dayal]
                                                                                                               Secretary General     

Notice & Agenda of The Annual General Meeting to be Held on 29th Apr 2023 at 3 PM at Bhopal


Dear all Hon’ble Members,

The agenda for the XVIII Annual General Meeting to be held at Central Academy for Police Training (CAPT), Unmed Road Bhopal, on 29.4.2023 at 3 PM, is as under:


Item No.1- Confirmation of minutes of the Extraordinary General Meetings held on 6.8.2022 and Annual General Meeting held on 24.04.2022 at Judicial Training and Research Institute at Lucknow.

Item No. 2- Consideration of the Annual Report of the activities of the Association during year 2022-23.

Item No.3- Consideration of Financial Statement of the year 2022-23.

Item No.4- Consideration of Budget estimates for the year 2023-24.

Item No.5- Appointment of Auditor for the Financial Year 2023-24.

Item No. 6- Consideration of the Audit Report for the year 2021-22 submitted by M/s Kashyap and Sikdar Company.

Item No. 7- Consideration of the report of Justice J.K. Ranka about the status of the State Chapters.

Item No. 8- Consideration of the report of Justice S.N. Agnihotri, Secretary In-charge of Litigation.

Item No. 9- Any other matter with the permission of Chair.            

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             [Justice Mahendra Dayal]
                                                                                                     Secretary General        



Let this notice, agenda and the advisory be uploaded on the website of the Association and be also sent to all the honorable members of the association on association’s WhatsApp number.

                                                                                                      [Justice Mahendra Dayal]
                                                                                                      Secretary General

07 January 2023

Notice for the meeting of the Executive Committee To be held on 7“ January 2023 at Ahmadabad




No.1 Justice V.S. Dave

No.2 Justice A.K. Srivastava


Special Invitees: Justice Sudhir Kumar Saxena


Regular Invitees: Chairpersons or their nominees of all State Chapters.


And the office bearers of Executive Committee are hereby given notice and invited that the third regular meeting of

the Executive Committee will be held on 07/01/2023 at 11. am. in Gujarat State Judicial Academy, 30, Sola Gam Road, Sola, Ahmadabad-380060, to consider the following items of agenda;-




Item No.1: Confirmation of the minutes of the Executive Committee held on 15t October 2022 at Jaipur,


Item No, 2: Information about the new members of the Association;


Item No.3: Consideration of the report of Justice S.N. Agnihotri, Secretary In charge litigation;


Item No. 4: Filling of the vacancy of the executive member from Karnataka.


Item No.5: Consideration of the report of Justice J.K. Ranka, Secretary in charge of the state chapters;


Item No.6: Consideration of the adoption of the logo of the Association,


Item No.7: Consideration of the date, time and venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee, annual general meeting and the national conference.


Item No. 8: Any other matter with the permission of the President.

Let this notice and agenda be uploaded on the Association Website: and also be emailed and whatsapped to the Patrons, every invitee and all the office bearers.




Hon’ble Patrons, Special Invitees, Regular Invitees and Office Bearers from outside Ahmadabad, are requested to send to the Vice President Justice D.K. Trivedi, at Anmadabad-


Email ID, 9825214219, their detailed travel program positively by 25 December 2022, so that it may be convenient to the host for making necessary arrangements.


The program be also send to the Registrar General, Gujarat High Court ( and to the Director Gujarat State Judicial Academy (email-

[Justice Mahendra Dayal]

Secretary General

15 October 2022

Notice of the meeting of the executive committee

1. Justice V.S.Dave
2. Justice A.K.Srivastava
All the office bearers
Invitees: Chairpersons or their nominees of state Chapters
Special Invitees:

1. Justice P.C.Jain
2. Justice S.N.Bhargava
3. Justice Prashant Kumar Agrawal &
4. Justice Deepak Maheshwari

 You are hereby informed that the next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on 15th October, 2022, at 11.30 AM in Jaipur, to consider the following items of agenda:

1. Confirmation of minutes of the meeting dated 23rd July, 2022, of the Executive Committee;
2. Information about the new members of the Association;
3. Consideration of the report of Justice S.N.Agnihotri, Secretary In charge litigation;
4. Consideration for filing the writ petition by the Association for post retiral benefits to retired judges and their spouses, of the High Courts;
5. Consideration of the report of Justice J.K.Ranka, Secretary In Charge of the State Chapter;
6. Consideration of the framing of the bye-laws;
7. Consideration of the adoption of the logo of the Association;
8. Consideration of the filling of the vacancy of the executive member on regional basis;
9. Consideration of the date and venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee &

10. Any other matter of importance with the permission of the President.

 It is requested that all the members attending the meeting of the Executive Committee, must intimate their detailed programe of visit to Jaipur, to Justice J.K.Ranka on his email or wharsapp latest by 30th September, 2022. It is also informed that it will not be possible to make arrangement for virtual hearing in the meeting of the Executive Committee. It will be in the interest of the Hon'ble members to attend the meeting physically at Jaipur.

Sd. K.L.Sharma

(Justice Mahendra Dayal) Secretary General

23 July 2022

Notice for meeting of the Executive Committee
All the office bearers of Executive Committee are hereby given notice that the first regular meeting of the New Executive Committee will be held on 23rd July, 2022 at 11. a.m. in Delhi High Court Campus, Lawyers Chamber Block No. 3, entry Gate No.07 Delhi High Court, New Delhi, to consider the following items of agenda;


Item No.1: Self Introduction of the Office Bearers.

Item No.2: Consideration and confirmation of the minutes of the Emergent meeting of the New Executive Committee held on 1st May, 2022 at 11 a.m. at the residence of the President in Lucknow.


Item No.3: Consideration of the report about the financial status of the Association, suggest ways and means to increase income.

Item No.4: Consideration of proposals for the budget for financial year 2022-23.

Item No.5: Authorization of the office bearers for operation of the SB Account no.1065443768 with the Central Bank of India Nizamuddin, New Delhi.

Item No.6: Delegation of financial powers for sanction of the expenditure and for withdrawal of the amount by cheque from the Bank.

Item No.7: Consideration for creating an Imprest Account with the Secretary General to defray daily and routine expenses.


Item No.8: Consideration of the Audit report for the financial year ending 31 March 2022.

Item No.9: Consideration for engagement of the auditor for auditing accounts for the financial year ending 31 March 2023.

Item No.10: Admission of members of the Association.

Item No.11: Consideration of the policy for determining the status of me annual members who have failed to pay their yearly installments of 7 years.

Item No.12: Formation of the committees and sub-committees, for looking after various matters.

Item No.13: Consideration of the President's proposal for amendments in the rules of the Association framed in 2001 at the time of incorporation of the Association.

Item No.14: Consideration of the need to summon the extraordinary meeting of the general assembly for the purpose of the consideration of the proposed amendments in the rules of the Association.

Item No.15: Consideration of the report on the status of the state chapters of the Association.

Item No.16: Consideration of the report relating to the pending litigation by the members before the Hon'ble High Courts and the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India about less pension.


Item No.17: Filling of one vacancy of member in the Executive Committee, as per authority delegated by the General Assembly held on 24th April, 2022.


Item No.18: Consideration for adoption of a logo of the Association.


Item No.19: Consideration of the form of the seal of the Association,


Item No.20: Fixation of the date, time and Venue of the next meeting of the Executive Committee.


Item No.21: Any other matter of importance with the permission of the President.

Justice Mahendra Dayal
(Secretary General]

Date : 4th July 2022

©2024 by Association of Retired Supreme Court & High Court Judges of India.

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