Registered under Societies Registration Act, (xxi of 1860)
1. The name of the Society will be "Association of Retired Judges of Supreme Court & High Courts of India".
2. Head Office: The Registered Office of the Association will he located at B-53A, Gangotri Enclave, Alaknanda, New Delhi-19.
3. Preamble, Aims and Objects.
The Preamble, aims and objects of the Association shall he as follows.:
(i) Whereas Rule of Law has been acknowledge as the solid base of a civilized system and a cultural society.
(ii) And whereas, the Legal fraternity serving at the Bar and on the Bench has functioned as a bulwark of such a democratic edifice;
(iii) And whereas, judges who have served the Nation with deep dedication and intense discipline, have continued role and relevance in the socio/legal activities of the nation, and are in a position to offer their services of grand tradition and rich experience in the service for the nation in diverse ways;
(iv) And Whereas, it is desirable to correlate and co-ordinate the thought process and ideas of such Judges, and to have an effective organisation in that behalf with an All India perspective and operational area, with plans to gather and utilize the expertise and experience of the international community of such retired Judges.
(v) To identify areas of service to the nation, where the expertise and experience of the retired Judges could be harnessed to the optimum of public good.
(vi) Without prejudice to the generality of the above mentioned object, to strive for fostering the human rights culture and to promote consciousness to fundamental duties throughout India.
(vii) To promote legal education, with particular priority to.rural areas and among weaker sections;
(viii) To organize legal literacy camps, independently or in collaboration with like minded Organisations and institutions, to hold seminars and symposia, and in that connection to prepare reading materials for initiating the common people of literacy and legal literacy, and to undertake publications of books and periodicals to aid and promote such endeavors;
(ix) To offer services of the members of the Association for effective and expeditious dispute resolution so as to assist the Courts/Organisation/Authorities at all levels for liquidating the colossal arrears of cases now pending adjudication at various levels throughout the country;
(x) To render free legal advice to the helpless and indigent persons and help settlement of their disputes though counselling and conciliation;
(xi) To espouse humanitarian causes,
(xii)To undertake all and whatever actions, steps or other proceedings including Public Interest Litigation for the realisation of the objectives above mentioned;
(xiii) To look alter the common welfare and interests of the judicial fraternity;
The names and designation of the first members of the Executive Committee to whom by the Rules of the Association, the management of the affairs of the Association is entrusted under section 2 of the societies Registration act (No. XXII of 1860), are as follows:
Sl. No. | Name | President |
1 | Justice A M Altmadi | President |
2 | Justice S. C Agrawal | Vice President |
3 | Justice P. S. Mishra | Do |
4 | Justice U. N. Bachawat | Do |
5 | Justice M. N. Rao | Do |
6 | Justice D K Basu | Secretary General |
7 | Justice K. Sukumaran | Secretary |
8 | Justice Shobha Dikshit | Do |
9 | Justice A. K. Srivastava | Do |
10 | Justice V. S. Dave | Do |
11 | Justice Ms. K Amareswari | Treasurer |
12 | Justice A. B. Rohatgi | Member |
13 | Justice RB Mehroira | Do |
14 | Justice Y A Mohta | Do |
15 | Justice J. D. Jain | Do |
16 | Justice R. P Gupta | Do |
17 | Justice S. C Jam | Do |
18 | Justice D. R. Khanna | Do |
19 | Justice K. N. Shukla | Do |
20 | Justice Sushanta Chaatterjee | Do |
21 | Justice A. K. Dutta | Do |
5. A Copy of the rules of the Association certified to be correct copy by three members of the Society is filled along with this Memorandum of Association.
6. We the several persons whose names, address and designations are given below, having associated ourselves for the purpose described in this Memorandum of Association, do hereby subscribe our names to this Memorandum of Association and set our several and respective hands hereunto and form ourselves into a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860) this day of October, 2000.
Sl. No. | Name | Address | Designation |
1 | Dilip Kumar Basu | 30 Kamani Estate, 109, A.J.C. Bose Road, Calcutta-700017 | Secretary General |
2 | A.K. Srivastava | 16B, Ashok Marg, Lucknow, U. P. 226001 | Secretary |
3 | U.N. Bachawat | "Nand Nivas”, Gurunanak Marg, New Colony, Mandsaur, M. P. | Vice President |
4 | Ram Prakash Gupta | 149, Deyanand Vihar, Delhi - 110 092 | Member |
5 | K. Amareshwari | 103, Imperial Manor, 6-3-865/1/1, Green Lands, Begumpet, Hyderabad - A.P. 500 016 | Treasurer |
6 | J.D. Jain | SD-117, SD-Block, Pitampura, New Delhi-110034 | Member |
7 | Shobha Dikshit | 145, Mandakini Enclave, Alaknanda, New Delhi - 110 019 | Secretary |
1. Short title:
These Rules shall be called the Rules of the Association of Retired Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, of India.
2. Definition:
In these Rules unless the context otherwise requires:-
a) "Association" means Association of Retired Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts of India;
b) "President" means President of the Association;
c) "Vice President" means Vice President of hie Association;
d) "Secretary General" means Honorary Secretary General of die Association;
e) "Secretary" means Honorary Secretary of the Association;
f) "Treasurer" means Honorary Treasurer of die Association;
g) "Member/members" means member/members of the Association,
h) "Year" means calendar year cxirnmenong from 1st day of January;
i)"General Body" means general body of all the members of the Association.
3. Membership
a. All the retired Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts of India shall be eligible to become members of the Association.
b. Any retired Judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court of India who is desirous; of becoming member of the Association, shall make an application for becoming such member.
e. On receipt of such application fee Executive Commute shall consider whether the applicant be made a member of the Asswtcaadon, or not.
d. if fee applicant is admitted as member by fee Executive Committee his membership shall continue so long as it does not cease due to his death or by his resignation duly accepted by the Executive Committee or by his removal from membership by the decision of the Executive Committee.
e. The initial membership fee shall be Rs. 1000/-. In adition the General Body may, by resolution, fix any annual membership which shall not be more than Rs. 66/- a year, to case, such annual membership is fixed by fee General Body, the same shall be payable by the Members.
4. Executive Committee
a) The Superintendence, day to day control of the affairs of the Association, its income and property, movable or immovable shall vest in the Executive Committee.
b) The following wilt form the Executive Committee of the Association:-
1. President
2. Four Vice Presidents
3. Secretary General
4. Four Secretaries
5. Treasurer
6. Ten Members
c) The term of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be two years.
d) Notwithstanding anything in clause (c) an Executive Committee shall continue till another Executive Committee elected.
e) Except the first Executive Committee formed at the time of the registration of the Association the members of the Executive Committee shaft be elected by the General Body in its annual general meeting.
f) Any casual vacancy shaft be filled by the Executive Committee for the remainder period.
g) The President, any Vice President, Secretary General,any Secretary, Treasurer or any member of the Executive Committee may, in writing, resign and upon such resignation shall cease to be President, Vice-President, Secretary General Secretary, Treasurer or Member, as the case tasty be.
5. President
The President will be the head of Executive of the Association. He shall preside over the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
6. Vice President
The Vice Presidents shall assist the President and discharge the duties assigned to them, from time to time, by the President In fee absence of the President, the vice-president, senior in age shall preside over the meetings of the General Body and the Executive Committee.
7. Secretary General
The Secretary General will be the chief Executive: Officer of the Association. He will be the head of office administration. He shall, in his functions as Honorary Secretary, receive guidance from the President and shall discharge the duties assigned to him, from time to time, by the President. He will receive and issure letters on behalf of fee Association. He will receive and issue letters on behalf of the Association. He will be custodian of all funds, records, movable and immovable properties of the Association and maintain all accounts and keep them up-to- date.
8. Secretary
Secretaries will assist the Honorary Secretary and will do all work allotted to them by the President/Honorary Secretary.
9. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall manage the funds of the Association. He will ensure that the funds are spent only as per the provisions made in the budget. He will discharge such other functions as may be entrusted to him by President or the General Body.
10. Auditor
The General Body of the Association shall appoint an Auditor who shall audit the accounts of the Association for the period specified in the appointment order. Provided that the first Auditor shall be appointed by the first Executive Committee formed at the time of registration of the Association.
11. Meetings-General Meetings
1. a) A meeting of the General Body shall be held once in a year, to consider the following:-
i) To consider the audited accounts of the provision year/years.
ii) To consider the annual report of the Secretary.
iii) To consider annual budget prepared by the Executive Committee.
iv) To elect office bearers of the Executive Committee. Provided that the General Body may consider any other matter as well with the prior approval of the President.
b) The Executive Committee, with prior approval of the President, shall fix the date of the General Body meeting.
c) For a General Body meeting the Secretary shall give fifteen days notice to the members.
2. Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be ordinarily held quarterly or at any earlier time, if the situation so demands. For ordinary meeting seven days notice to the members of the Executive Committee shall be necessary. For emergent meeting one day's notice will suffices.
3. Every member present at a meeting of the General Body or the Executive Committee will have right to cast only one vote. No proxy will be allowed for this purpose. A resolution having majority votes in its favour shall be declared to have been adopted. In case the votes are equal in favour of and against any resolution, the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote.
4. Extra Ordinary General Meeting
a) The Executive Committee can convene extra ordinary General Meeting to consider urgent matters for which at least 7 days notice to all the members shall be necessary.
b) The members can also convene art extra-ordinary general meeting and for that 14 days irtodee to the President and Secretary shall be necessary. At least 1/3 of the total membership of tlie Association must sign the requisition stating clearly the President/Secretary shall convene the meeting giving at least seven days clear notice to all the members stating dearly tlie time, place ami purpose of the meeting Only those matters which are specified in the notice shall be discussed m such meeting.
5. A meeting of the General Body or of the Executive Committee shall be presided by the President, in the absence of the President the Vice-President, senior in age. shall preside the meeting but if both the Vice-Presidents are also absent the members present at the meeting shall choose a member amongst themselves to preside that meeting and such member shall preside that meeting.
a) The General Body shall be the supreme authority with ail powers to take policy decisions, review the working of die Association and guide and control the working of the Executive Committee.
b) The General Body- only shall be competent to make amendments m the Memorandum of Association and guide Rules by a resolution passed by a majority of 2/3 members present in the General Body meeting or the Extra-ordinary meeting called for that purpose.
c) The General Body may frame Regulations and Bye-laws for the conduct of the affairs of the Association and to add, amend, alter or rescind them from time to time.
d) The Executive Committee will be responsible to implement the policy decisions taken by the General Body it shall prepare annual budget estimates and place the same in the meeting of General Body for approval It will also be responsible for raising funds for the Association by all legal means, like fate, chanty show, advertisement m reading material or Brochure published by the Association, rallies and grants from Government.
The quorum for the meeting of General Body shall be 1/3 of the total membership. For the meeting of the Executive Committee the quorum shall be five. If the quorum is not found in the first meeting, tbs meeting shall be adjourned for one hour. No quorum shall Ns required for the adjourned meeting.
a) The Secretary General shall maintain all the registers and books including for membership register, account book and proceedings book of the meetings which shall always be available as the office for perusal by the members if they so desire with due notice to the President/Secretary.
b) The account for the years shall be audited by the Auditor. The audit should be completed by the end of April of the succeeding year and the report shall be obtained from the Auditor by the Secretary.
a) Cases and suits by or against the Association shall be filed or defended by the President or the Secretary of the Association or by tray other person duly authorized by the President in writing.
b) No case or suit by or against the Association shall be compromised, compounded or sent to arbitration without the sanction of the Executive Committee.
c) No proper discharge of any debt due to the Association can be given by any office bearer or member of the Association without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
d) In the absence of any legal impediment, all cases or suits by or against the Association shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Delhi.
The Executive Committee may remove a member from the membership of the Association on the grounds of his proved misbehavior after giving him a notice in writing.
1) The General Body may affiliate with the Association any association of retired Judges of a High Court on such terms and conditions as it may does fit.
2) Upon such affiliation, notwithstanding anything in rule 4(b) one representative of such affiliated association shall be member of the Executive Committee.
A Bank Account shall be opened in the name of Association of Retired Judges of Supreme Court and High Courts of India. It will be operated by any two of the, Secretary General, one such Secretary who is duly authorized by the Executive Committee in that behalf and the Treasurer of the Association but the Bank shall not honor a cheque of the Association unless it has been signed at least by any two of them.
a) The dissolution proceedings shall be made as per the provisions of the Societies Registration Act., 1860 (Act No. XXI of 1860).
b) If on the dissolution of the Association, there shall remain, after the satisfaction of debts and liabilities, any property of the Association the same shall not be paid to any member of the Association or disbursed among them but shall be donated to some other association of the like nature as may be specified in the dissolution resolution. In the absence of such specification the Registrar of Societies shall decide as to which association such remainder property shall be donated.
Certified to be true:
Justice D.K. Basu, Secretary General
Justice A.K. Srivastava, Secretary
Justice K. Amareswari, Treasurer
Note : The association rules 2001 have been amended on 6 Aug 2022 in the extra ordinary meeting of the general assembly held at judicial training & research institute Gomti Nagar Lucknow. In accordance with the several resolutions passed by the annual general assembly in the previous years and on the recommendation of the executive committee held at Delhi High Court registered office on 23rd July 2022. These rules 2022 have been made applicable with effect from 15th Aug 2022. Which can be perused in the website under the succeeding head.
Certificate Of Registration

Allotment of accommodation in the High Court Complex