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Order No. 2 of 2023             25.01.2023


  1. In exercise of the power conferred by Rule 21(c) of the Association Rules 2022, and on the suggestions conveyed by Hon’ble Justice J.K. Ranka (Secertary In-charge State Chapters), and the proposal of the Secretary General based on the suggestions, I hereby make this order that in case no State Chapter exists in the relevant High Court, the following State Chapters are hereby formed and the office bearers thereof are nominated as noted against the name of the member concerned, subject to their consent. In future whenever, the meetings of the executive committee are proposed. The chairpersons nominated hereby shall be informed of the agenda, venue, date and time of the meetings, so that he/she or the nominee may attend the meeting.


 2. State Chapter of Uttarakhand High Court at Nainital/Dehradun

 1 Hon’ble Mr. Justice J.C.S. Rawat, (Chairperson) M: 09412087898,

 2 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Brahma Singh Verma, (Chapter Secretary) M: 09411107766, Tel: 01332-272010

 3 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Madan Mohan Ghildiyal, (Chapter Executive), Tel: 0135-2607340, M: 09411107100


 4. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Alok Singh M: 9412053384


3. State Chapter of Delhi High Court at New Delhi

 1 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Nishith Kumar Mody (Chairperson) M: 09425115911

 2 Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.K. Mahajan (Chapter Secretary) M: 09873304200

 3 Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Sharda Aggarwal(Chapter Executive) M: 09818032419

 4 Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.N. Kapoor Tel: 011-22727947 

 5 Hon’ble Mr. Justice K. Ramamoorthy M: 09810529889

 6 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Shobha Dikshit M: 09810270242

 7  Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.C. Agrawal M: 09818908644

 8 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ram Prakash Gupta

 9 Hon’ble Mr. Justice D.P. Wadhwa M: 09810720200

 10 Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.B. Patnaik Former Chief Justice of India M: 9811420298

 11 Hon’ble Mr. Justice V.S. Aggarwal M: 09891175550

 12 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ajit Prakash Shah

 13 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ratnakar Dash  M: 09868952124

 14 Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.K. Agarwal M: 09818000270

 15 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Gopi Chand Bharuka M: 09818524340 Email:

 16 Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.B. Sinha

 17 Hon’ble Mr. Justice B.H. Marlapalle M: 08860621879

 18 Hon’ble Mr. Justice V. Kanagraj Tel: 011-22793304

 19 Hon’ble Mr. Justice J.P. Singh M: 09810053190

 20 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Shyam Kishore Sharma M: 09871141854

 21 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sudhir Kumar Katriar M: 08527937916

 22 Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan M: 09560013636

 23 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. Bharat Bhushan Parsoon M: 09999999848

 24 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dr. Mukundakam Sharma M: 9818000190

​ 25 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Deepak Verma M: 9717393521/ 9301538508: JUSTICEDVERMA@GMAIL.COM

4 State Chapter of Gauhati High Court at Gauhati


1 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Prabhat Chandra Phukan  (Chairperson) M: 0943504616

2 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Prahladrai G. Agarwal (Chapter Secretary) M: 09435047826


3 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dinendra Biswas (Chapter Executive) M: 09435042869


4 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hareswar Barua M: 09435546796


5 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Dhiresh Narayan Choudhury M: 09435010643


6 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hirendra Nath Sarma M: 09435047158


7 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Anima Hazarika M: 09435545372


8 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Brojendra Prasad Katakey M: 09435549977


9 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manoj Bhuyan M: 9435100344


10 Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Rumi Kumari Phukhan M: 7002483900


11 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hitesh Kumar Sarna M: 9435118614


5 State Chapter of Punjab and Haryana High Court At Chandigarh


1 Hon’ble Mr. Justice N.C. Jain (Chairperson) M: 9815326225


2 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Raj Rahul Garg (Chapter Secretary) M: 8558809937


3 Hon’ble Mr. Justice J.C. Verma (Chapter Executive) M: 09417012730


4 Hon’ble Mr. Justice S.D. Anand M: 8968326699


5 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Virendra Vikram Singh M: 8004928584 Email:

6 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Iqbal SinghM: 09876618234

7 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Harjinder Singh Bhalla M: 9815709797

8 Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hemant Gupta M: 9814506593



  6. The nominated Chairpersons of the State Chapters are hereby requested to follow the Rules 2022 of the Association and download the Rules 2022 of the Association from the They are also requested to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee as and when held on receipt of the notice as regular invitee. The members of the State Chapters can send any information on Whatsapp Mobile No.8957076387 and talk to the Secretary General between the 9 A.M. to 11 A.M in the morning and 4 P.M. to 6 P.M in the evening, only for the work of the Association and for no other unconnected message, photo and video. This Whatsapp mobile will be exclusively used for the work of the Association only. In order to keep up-to-date information of the activities of the Association. The members may visit frequently the Association website-

 7. The office Bearers of the State Chapters are also requested to download the format of the Application of the membership of the Association from the website of the Association and multiply photocopies thereof for the purpose of use of the new retired Judges for becoming the member of the Association.

    [Justice K.L. Sharma]


Let this order along with the report of the Secretary General be uploaded on the website of the Association and be also whatsapped to Justice J.K. Rank,(Secretary In-charge of the State Chapter) as well as to all the office bearers and the members of the State Chapters.


        [Justice K.L. Sharma]


©2024 by Association of Retired Supreme Court & High Court Judges of India.

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